10 Seconds: Part 9.5 (Transgressors)
They didn't play fair but they didn't play fair in style, and that kind of enterprise deserves its own show. CRIME SHEET SUMMARY 1. 7...
10 Seconds: Part Three (picks 35-52)
Eighteen more 10-second picks and we've now eased past the 50 mark Remember, every selecting artist's name is hyperlinked, so click for...
10 Seconds: Part Two (picks 17-34)
All aboard..... 1. SARAH TANDY (Pianist) John Coltrane - Blue Train (0'34"-0'44") Taken from John Coltrane - Blue Train (1958) "I think...
10 Seconds: Part One (picks 1-16)
"I think all record companies should be run by a musician. Just as you wouldn’t trust your health to an electrician." Paul Bley I've...